Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Birth and Elation

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with blog, and the word was blog.
To be perfectly frank, I will try to avoid clichés.
To be completely candid, I never liked the word blog the first time I stumbled upon it. I will attempt to find a viable, durable replacement; however, coining terms is a serendipidious business: It happens without trying, without looking or searching. And, of course, coining terms is one thing; mainstreaming them is another.
Etymologically, weblog is derived from the nautical term log, a ship's written record, which itself came from the act of using a line with logs tied at set intervals in order to determine the speed of the vessel.
But, as they (?) say in show business, it's better to leave 'em wanting more.
Some more will follow tomorrow.
Auf wiederschreiben,

1 comment:


Nice job for your first try!